Surprising truth, so much water is spent in making a car, know the truth


Surprising truth of car: You may have used a car. It is also possible that you drive a car, but do you know how much water is spent in preparing a car. If not then know this news.

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If you pay attention to the news, you will know how big a water crisis had arisen in Bengaluru recently. People had to face a lot of problems due to lack of water in Bengaluru. It is important to mention this here because India is going to become the hub of the auto industry in the coming few years. There will be mass production of cars in India in the coming few years. In such a situation, water shortage can prevent India from becoming the hub of the auto sector. Know what is the reason for this.

It takes a lot of water to make a car

For your information, let us tell you that about 40 thousand gallons of water is used to prepare a car. A common man can use this much water for 2 thousand days. You must be aware that steel and iron are used in making cars. When steel and iron are used to make a car, they are first heated and bent. To make the body of a car, iron and steel have to be cooled quickly. In such a situation, large quantities of water are used, so that the iron and steel cools down quickly. After this the iron and steel are bent according to the design.

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Grinding of tools is done by machines

The use of water in making cars is not limited to this. After the body of the car is ready, a lot of water is also used in painting the car and giving it good finishing. After this many parts of the car are installed. For this, many parts of the car are rubbed with machines, in which water is also used. If this is not done then the car does not shine. A lot of water is used in preparing a car in this way. A car consumes approximately 40 thousand gallons of water.

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