Do you want to start your own business with less risk, then you can earn well by taking a post office franchise. There is no need to invest much money in it either.

Today there are about 1.55 lakh post offices in India, yet there is no post office facility everywhere. To fill this gap, the Department of Posts is offering a franchise business model. Let us know how you can take a post office franchise.

How is the income from the post office franchise

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Earnings from post office franchises are based on commission. You get a commission on all the services provided by the post office and the products sold. The commission rate is already fixed in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

Who can take a post office franchise

To take a post office franchise, it is only necessary to be above 18 years. Any Indian citizen can apply for it. The person taking the franchise should have an 8th pass certificate from a recognized school.

How do you get a post office franchise

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To get a post office franchise, you have to fill the application form. After filling out the form, it has to be submitted. If you are selected, you will have to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with India Post.

You should read the notification for post office franchise business from the official website and apply from the same website.

To apply, you can click on this official link ( VAS/ DOP_PDF Files /Franchise.pdf). From here you can download the form and apply for the franchise.

It is worth noting that those who are selected will have to sign an MOU with the postal department. Only after this, they will be able to provide services to the customers.

Commission received in the post office franchise

On booking registered item – Rs 3

On booking speed post article – Rs 5

On booking money orders of Rs 100 to 200 – Rs 50

On booking money orders of more than Rs 200 – Rs 5

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Additional 20% commission on booking more than 1000 registered and speed post every month
5% of the sales amount on the sale of postage stamps, postal stationery, and money order forms
40% of the postal department’s earnings are on retail services like revenue stamps, central recruitment fee stamps, etc.

Can one earn good money from a post office franchise

Let us tell you that only Rs 5,000 has to be spent to get a post office franchise. Your earnings depend on your hard work. It is believed that you can earn up to Rs 60 thousand every month from a post office franchise.

Vikram Singh is a skilled content writer with a passion for crafting engaging and informative articles. He boasts 3 years of experience in the industry, tackling a diverse range of topics including personal...