Jawa 42: Jawa Yezdi has launched the Jawa 42 in Indian market. Its ex-showroom price has been fixed at Rs 1.73 lakh. Along with many mechanical changes, some cosmetic changes have also been made in the bike. However, some internal changes have been made to it. It is called J-Panther. It gives a power of 27bhp. It is mated to a 6-speed gearbox. It also has an assist and slip clutch.

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Jawa said that this engine gives a wide spread of torque. Its low-end performance is also good. The company has improved the engine capacity as well as its cooling. This engine is much more refined than the unit of the outgoing bike. The motorcycle has a 294.7cc, liquid-cooled engine.


In terms of looks, it looks similar to its older model. The bike has a round headlight, teardrop shaped fuel tank and curved rear fender. However, the seat has been changed for better comfort than before. Under the bodywork is a double cradle frame suspended by telescopic forks and twin shock absorbers.

The suspension hardware will be the same as the old one. Compression and rebound damping have been changed. Alloy wheels have been provided in it. At the same time, disc brakes have been provided at both ends for braking.


2024 Jawa 42 has been designed for the new generation riders who do not want to compromise on style and want great performance. This palette will now be available in both matte and gloss color options. A total of 14 colors will be available in it. In the Indian market, it competes directly with Royal Enfield Hunter 350 and Royal Enfield Classic 350.