NREGA Job Card Update: The Government of India operates the MNREGA scheme, providing employment to crores of people in the country. Under this scheme, the government employs workers on a daily wage basis. Recently, the financial budget announced an increase in daily wages under the MNREGA scheme. Do you know that the process of thoroughly verifying the job cards created under the MNREGA scheme began a few days ago?

The job cards of thousands of individuals are in jeopardy. We will block the job cards of individuals who have been unemployed for the past year. If your name appears on this list, we will also block your job card under the MNREGA scheme, a move that may come as a significant surprise to you. We will continue this task until the verification process concludes. To understand the key aspects of the scheme, you must carefully read the article through to the end.

Important aspects of the MNREGA scheme

Mahatma Gandhi Gram Rozgar Guarantee Yojana, i.e., MNREGA, is proving to be a boon for the laborers. The MNREGA scheme provides 100 days of work per year. Approximately 1.12 lakh MNREGA workers have not requested work this year, leading to the cancellation of their job cards.

The department will now cancel and block the job cards of those who haven’t asked for work in a year. Following this action, the workers will no longer be able to use their job cards. Additionally, 3.86 lakh workers in Ghazipur have MNREGA job cards. Under this scheme, the central government had issued a large number of job cards to provide employment to the village’s residents.

The MNREGA scheme is responsible for filling soil in fields and village roads. The Ghazipur district of UP has created a total of 3.86 lakh job cards. Out of this total, only 46 thousand job card holders have completed 100 days of work. Only 46 thousand job card holders have worked for 100 days.

The scheme is currently working on job card verification.

The verification of how much soil work was done under the MNREGA scheme in Ghazipur district is ongoing. Moreover, MNREGA job card holders receive priority work whenever laborers are required. We will now verify MNREGA job cards at the block level. We will block the job cards of individuals who do not request work and are working outdoors.

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