Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana has been started by the Central Government under the Beti Padhao Beti Bachao Yojana. 

Which is a savings plan. Through this scheme, girls born into economically weak families will not have to face financial crises in the future.

It is a small savings scheme operated for a long period. Under Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, 

parents can open a savings account before their daughter turns 10 years old. 

In this account, the parents of the girl child can invest Rs 250 to Rs 1.50 lakh every year.

Income tax exemption is also available for investing in SSY. 

Apart from this, compound interest is also received at a fixed rate on the amount deposited in the savings account।

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana was started by the Central Government to meet the expenses of future education, higher education, and the marriage of daughters