Google Job: Google, one of the best companies in the world, is famous for its facilities, high salary, office perks like swimming pool, garden, massage room and much more. The work culture and stress-free environment here attracts every employee to work here.

Google’s parent company Alphabet has 182,500 employees working with it. These figures are for the year 2023. If the figures are to be believed, Google not only offers tech jobs, but here, people are recruited in sales, marketing, business strategy, finance, maintenance, legal and many departments.

But they say that this path is not only full of roses, there are some thorns too. Like other companies in the tech industry, Google is also facing layoffs. Just in the year 2023, Alphabet has shown the way out to some 12000 employees and the company’s CEO Sundar Pichai said that more layoffs can be seen in the year 2024.

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Despite this, more than 100 job openings can be seen on the Google Careers website. In this, some positions are for Google Search, some for YouTube and some vacancies are for Google Classroom etc. So let us know which path you have to adopt if you want to work with Google.

How to get a job in Google

Getting a job in Google is very competitive. An old recruiter who has worked in Google said that the company mainly uses internal databases to find candidates. Apart from this, it also selects people through LinkedIn. So create your profile on LinkedIn and use it to connect with people who are already working there and can give you referrals.

A recruiter who has worked in Google said that the best way to stand out among Google candidates is to create a network with a giving approach. You can understand this with an example that if you are applying for a job, then send a direct email to the person managing the recruitment and then take the conversation forward to express interest in a particular role.

Apart from this, prepare your biodata according to personalized job details and also tell in the interview how you solved a problem in the previous company.

Is it difficult to get a job in Google?

It is always said about Google that its hiring process is very difficult and they are very careful while selecting their employees. Every year around 2 million people apply for Google jobs and around 4000 of them are recruited.

Four important criteria are required for a job in Google – you should have job related skills, you should have general cognitive ability i.e. the ability to take informed decisions, leadership ability and Googliness i.e. how quickly you fit in with Google’s personality. Understand Googliness in such a way that Google likes such personality which is positive, has a good sense of humor, is consistent in working and is always ready to learn.

Recently, the resume of an engineer who got a job in Google is going viral. The Google engineer posted his resume and told how he got a job of $300,000 in Google. Instead of emphasizing his educational qualification in the resume, the Google engineer emphasized on more relevant things and also created a section for his hobby.

A lot has changed in Google’s hiring process in the last few years. Now there is not much delay, especially for software engineers and UX designers. Google, after selecting the resume, conducts several rounds of interviews and then announces the results.

There is no one specific college degree that will get you entry into Google and in fact, company officials have said that they will hire exceptional candidates who have a college degree or not, it does not matter. But don’t get too excited because experts say a college degree is still the most reliable path to a high-paying job.

If your goal is to become a software engineer at Google, a computer science degree may be beneficial. But Google doesn’t explicitly require it for most software engineering roles.