Supported Bridge Pose, or Setu Bandhasana with support, is a light version of Bridge Pose with supports for comfort and accessibility. This soothing position is great for novices, individuals with restricted mobility, and experienced practitioners aiming to enhance their relaxation and stress reduction. Using a yoga block, bolster, or folded blankets beneath the sacrum makes the pose more restorative, releasing tension while preserving alignment and relaxation.

Benefits of Supported Bridge Pose

Stress reduction and spinal health are the main advantages of the Supported Bridge Pose. It relieves back pain by gently extending the spine and alleviating vertebral pressure. Hip elevation above the heart improves circulation and reduces leg oedema. This position improves posture and flexibility by stretching the chest, neck, and spine.

Supported Setu Bandhasana calms the central nervous system, lowering anxiety and mental stress. Before sleep or after a busy day, the position promotes profound relaxation. Supported Bridge Pose promotes inner serenity and stability by opening the body’s energy pathways with gravity.

How to Practice Supported Bridge Pose

These tips will help you practice Supported Bridge Pose safely:

  • Start by laying on your back on a yoga mat with your knees bent and feet hip-width apart.
  • Keep a yoga block, bolster, or folded blankets handy.
  • Lift your hips off the floor and move the prop under your sacrum to feel supported and solid. The support should elevate the hips slightly without becoming uncomfortable.
  • Rest your arms at your sides, palms up, to open your chest and shoulders.
  • Maintain a long neck and a slightly tucked chin to safeguard your cervical spine.
  • Stay in the stance for many minutes, inhaling deeply. Feel your abdomen rise and fall, and relax deeper with each breath.

Integrating Supported Bridge Pose into Your Routine

Adding Supported Bridge Pose to your daily or weekly regimen may improve your health. This position may be a light warm-up for energetic yoga or relaxation. It calms the nervous system and clears the mind, preparing the body and mind for sleep in the evening.

This posture helps improve spinal alignment and flexibility for those who often sit or have lower back pain.


In conclusion, Supported Bridge Pose is a beautiful yoga position that enhances physical and mental wellness. By practising this vital position, you may decrease tension, improve posture, and concentrate your thoughts. Setu Bandhasana, with assistance, may help you relax and feel better in daily life, whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner.

I am Mark, a content writer with over one year of experience. I have written news and evergreen content for many websites