Inverting the body and resting the legs vertically against a wall in Legs Up the Wall, or Viparita Karani is a vital yoga position with many benefits. All levels of yogis may practice this easy inversion, which improves circulation and relaxation. Viparita Karani is a popular alternative for individuals seeking a relaxing inversion since it involves little effort and setup.

Health Benefits of Viparita Karani

This stance is known for boosting circulation and soothing the nervous system. Viparita Karani elevates the legs to improve venous drainage and organ blood flow. It may minimize leg and foot oedema and varicose vein symptoms. The reverse flow of blood may also revitalize tired legs and feet after extended durations of standing or sitting.

Legs Up the Wall relieves tension by soothing the neurological system. It reduces blood pressure and heart rate, encouraging relaxation and well-being. Regularly practising this stance might help insomniacs and restless sleepers sleep better.

How to Practice Legs Up the Wall

For optimal alignment and comfort, take these procedures to maximize Viparita Karani:

  • Find a free location near a wall and arrange a yoga mat perpendicularly.
  • Sit with your left side against the wall, softly turning left and raising your legs.
  • Lying down with your back on the floor, adjust your buttocks near to or away from the wall for comfort.
  • To open your chest and shoulders, lay your arms at your sides, palms up.
  • Focus on deep, rhythmic breathing with your eyes closed. Release tension with each inhalation to relax deeper.
  • Hold the posture for 5–15 minutes, depending on comfort and experience. Bend your knees, pivot to the side, and gently push away from the wall to exit the posture.

Integrating Legs Up the Wall into Your Routine

Adding Viparita Karani to your everyday routine may change everything. End-of-day practice helps reduce the effects of extended sitting or standing. This position before bedtime might also help you relax and sleep.

Legs Up the Wall post-workout helps reduce muscular fatigue and expedite lactic acid clearance for athletes.


Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani) is a basic but powerful yoga practice that has several advantages for the mind and body. This posture improves circulation, reduces tension, and boosts well-being in yoga. Its easiness and accessibility make it ideal for beginners and intermediate practitioners wishing to incorporate restorative yoga to their program.

I am Mark, a content writer with over one year of experience. I have written news and evergreen content for many websites