Memory loss Tips: Memory is the physical power of the brain which collects information from around the world, processes it, stores it, and retrieves it to us when we need it.

All the new information we learn and see is stored in our brain whether it is recent things or years old. When we learn something new, a new language, or something that we cannot understand, then memory tries to decode it and makes it simple for us to understand it.

Whatever we feel, happiness, sadness, anger, fear, every moment gets stored in our memory. We remember all the things from our childhood like studies, hanging out with friends, and having fun and when we remember that moment, we remember everything again because our brain has stored it.

The more we use our brains, the more our memory will work. But there are some factors like stress, depression, anxiety, chronic diseases, certain types of medicines or poisonous substances like alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco, unhealthy and improper diet, insomnia in which sleeplessness is possible, prolonged dehydration, all these have a bad effect on our memory.

All these factors weaken our memory and reduce the ability to understand and remember, due to which a person gets amnesia.

There are several ways to improve memory –

1) Stay Mentally Active

Just like we keep our body active, we have to keep our brain active too. Try to learn new things, do creativity, do some brain exercise and there are many such activities and games like crosswords, Sudoku, chess, puzzles, all these will help in improving our memory. Just try to keep yourself engaged.

2) Socially Active

Try to interact with people as much as possible, and spend time going to social gatherings, and happy clubs, so that your mental stress is relieved.

3) Hydration

As we know our brain and heart are made up of 73% water. Water removes the toxicity in our brain, due to which our brain works well. Many times short-term memory occurs due to lack of water. Water boosts the memory power in our brains.

4) Stress Management

Mental stress always disturbs our brain activity. When we are stressed, the body releases cortisol hormone which affects our memory. Meditation, yoga, music, laughing, and dance therapy, all help in managing our stress.

5) Sleep Well

Sleep strengthens the neuro function of our brain. That is why when we study after waking up in the morning, we remember it for a long time. Have chamomile tea before sleep, it will relax our nervous system so that we sleep better.

6) Eat healthy and nutritious food

Some foods enhance and boost our memory that as almonds, walnuts, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds, and some green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale which protect our brain from free radicals.

The brain also requires protein and omega-3 fatty acids for proper functioning and it also slows down the progression of degenerative disease. Research proves that dark chocolate enhances memory.