Sell 100 notes: In the face of growing responsibilities and inflation, everyone aspires to generate income to ensure financial stability. If you, too, are burdened with family responsibilities and lack financial resources, fear not, as we will introduce you to a novel approach to generating income. You do not have any means of earning money, but you can become rich by selling torn and old notes, so there is no problem. In the international market, the demand for 100 notes is increasing.

In exchange for this note, you will easily receive up to Rs 5 lakh. If you miss selling the note, suffer the consequences. There are many such websites in the market that give several lakhs of rupees in exchange for old notes and coins. Here, you have the opportunity to realize your dream of earning a substantial amount by selling 100 notes. This means you must not miss the chance to sell the note.

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Features of 100

The demand for 100 rupee notes is growing in the international market, where people are making a lot of money. First of all, the note must have a three-digit serial number on the front. This serial number should be 786. If your note has serial number 786 written on the front, it can be easily sold.

In addition to this, the note should feature Mahatma Gandhi’s image. People of the Islamic religion consider the note with serial number 786 to be extremely lucky and holy, and they buy it with great enthusiasm. If you postpone selling the note, you may come to regret it, as such opportunities rarely arise again. Therefore, it is important that you can sell the note in time. If you have three 100 rupee notes, then you can easily sell them for Rs 15 lakh.

Sell notes here.

You will not have any problems selling a 100 rupee note on the international market. You will first need to register as a seller on the Quikr website. After that, customers will automatically connect with you. You can sell the notes at the price you ask for.

For your information, let us tell you that the Quikr website has not officially said anything about the price of the notes. has published this information based on news that has been reported in the media. The RBI does not give anyone permission to sell or buy notes.

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