Pregnancy rumors have been spreading for some time about famous television actress Shraddha Arya, who is known for her strong performance in ‘Kundali Bhagya’. Discussions intensified on social media when recently paparazzi captured Shraddha on camera. Some people immediately started speculating that she is pregnant. However, when Shraddha did not react to this, the news started spreading more rapidly. But now Shraddha Arya herself has broken the silence on these rumors and told the truth to her fans.


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Shraddha Arya made a big announcement on social media

Recently, Shraddha Arya shared a post on her Instagram, which caught the attention of the fans in a few minutes. She posted a video, which made her fans very happy. Through this video, Shraddha herself has confirmed her pregnancy. Her husband is also seen in the video, and both are celebrating this moment.


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Shraddha Arya is going to become a mother

After three years of marriage, Shraddha Arya is finally going to become a mother. In the video, Shraddha also gave a glimpse of her pregnancy test, in which the result was positive. Shraddha’s used pregnancy test kit is seen near a mirror placed on a beach, which is showing a positive result. At the same time, Shraddha comes running with her husband and jumps with joy.


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In the video, Shraddha is wearing a beautiful maxi dress, in which her baby bump is also clearly visible. Sharing this beautiful video, she wrote in the caption, “We are expecting a little miracle !!! #pregnancy #future_parents #blessings.”

Post went viral
This post of Shraddha Arya has gone viral on social media. Her fans and celebs are very excited about this news and are congratulating her. Now Shraddha is going to become a mother not only on the small screen but also in real life. As soon as this good news came out, her co-stars and other celebs of the industry also wished her a lot.

I started my media career with Radio Dhamal, where I honed my skills in radio broadcasting. After that, I spent two years at News24 and E24, gaining valuable experience in news reporting and journalism....