Drinking a glass of lukewarm water mixed with a pinch of turmeric in it early in the morning can give your body many amazing benefits. Turmeric is a powerful medicinal spice, which is full of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It not only enhances the taste and color of food, but also makes it rich in nutrients. Turmeric also relieves you from dental, immunity and stomach problems. It also improves heart health. Let us know what benefits your body can get by regular consumption of turmeric water.

Unique benefits of drinking turmeric water
Helpful in weight loss
If you are thinking of losing weight, then turmeric water can help you in this. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water mixed with a pinch of turmeric every morning on an empty stomach reduces body fat, especially belly fat. Turmeric is considered very effective in melting fat.

Improves digestion power
Drinking 1 glass of turmeric water on an empty stomach strengthens your digestion. It provides relief from problems like indigestion, gas and acidity. Turmeric water detoxifies the body and makes you feel fresh.

Anti-inflammatory properties
Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce inflammation in the body. Many times, when you wake up in the morning, you see swelling in the stomach or mild swelling on the face, in such a situation, drinking 1 glass of turmeric water can give you relief from this problem.

Helpful in increasing immunity
Turmeric contains anti-microbial and anti-oxidants, which increase the immunity of the body. Turmeric can help protect you from seasonal diseases, infections and flu. Especially during monsoon, when cases of cold, cough and flu increase, then consuming turmeric water increases your immunity.

Beneficial for the skin
Turmeric contains elements that help in clearing the dead cells of your skin. Turmeric is helpful in keeping your skin young for a long time. Consumption of turmeric water also helps in reducing wrinkles and acne.

Helpful in balancing blood sugar level
Turmeric contains an element called ‘curcumin’, which controls the level of insulin in the body. Curcumin slows down the process of insulin dissolving in the blood, which helps in preventing diabetes.

Relief in Sinus
If you are troubled by sinus problem, then turmeric is a panacea for you. To get relief from sinus, mix turmeric in lukewarm water, add 2 black peppercorns to it and drink it. This can also give you relief from cold and cough. Drinking turmeric water also reduces the problem of mucus.

Who should not consume turmeric in excess?
Liver and gall bladder problems: If you have liver or gall bladder related problems, reduce the consumption of turmeric.

Blood thinning medicines: If you are taking blood thinning medicines, then turmeric can be harmful for you.
Pregnant women: Pregnant women should not consume turmeric excessively.
Kidney stone patients: If you have kidney stone problem, consume turmeric carefully. Drinking turmeric water early in the morning keeps your body healthy and fit. By consuming it regularly, you can avoid many diseases and improve your daily routine.

I started my media career with Radio Dhamal, where I honed my skills in radio broadcasting. After that, I spent two years at News24 and E24, gaining valuable experience in news reporting and journalism....