Recently, Bollywood actor Govinda’s wife Sunita Ahuja again expressed her displeasure over her nephew Krishna Abhishek and his wife Kashmira Shah. In a podcast, Sunita revealed why she does not go to Kapil Sharma’s show. She said, “I don’t get along with Krishna and Kashmira.” Now Krishna Abhishek has given his reaction to this. Let’s know what Krishna said.

I will convince him. Krishna Abhishek

Recently, Krishna Abhishek reacted to the statement of his aunt Sunita Ahuja, in which she said that she does not get along with Govinda’s nephew Krishna and his wife Kashmira. Following Sunita’s statement, discussions about the strained relationship between the two have resurfaced.

Krishna, while giving his opinion on this matter, said, “I love Sunita Mami very much. She has always loved me like her son, and she has done a lot for me. Mami has every right to be upset with me. I know she says many things in anger, but this is nothing. I will try my best to convince her, because she is my Mami.”

Why does Sunita not go to Kapil Sharma’s show?

Sunita Ahuja also explained in the podcast why she is not interested in participating in Kapil Sharma’s show. She stated, “If Krishna and Kashmira were not in the show, I would have said yes, but Krishna is with Kapil, so I cannot go to the show.”

Sunita believes that if someone disappoints her once, she cannot forgive that person. She said, “If it is not my fault and people treat me badly, then I do not even want to see their face.”

Crack in Krishna and Sunita’s relationship
This is not the first time that Sunita has openly expressed her displeasure with her nephew. Earlier, on many occasions, she expressed her displeasure in front of her husband, Govinda. Longtime rumors suggest a strained relationship.

In such a situation, Krishna’s new statement clearly shows his love and respect for his family, while Sunita’s displeasure makes their relationship more complicated. The family is making efforts to improve their relationship, but it will be interesting to see if the future resolves the bitterness or if it deepens.

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