Nowadays, most people make every possible effort to lose weight, whether it is going to the gym or adopting a healthy diet. But sometimes, despite all this, it becomes very difficult to lose weight. When this happens, stress increases, which can worsen the situation. This difficulty can be caused by a lack of certain nutrients in the body, such as vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem in India.

Vitamin D deficiency is common in Indians, but we rarely realize it. Most of us never even undergo a vitamin D test, which prevents us from realizing our deficiency. Especially during the weight loss journey, vitamin D levels play a crucial role.

Vitamin D’s role in weight loss

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) published a study stating that vitamin D is essential for weight loss. If your body lacks this important vitamin, then your weight loss will not be easy. For successful weight loss, you must first overcome the deficiency of vitamin D in your body.

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps keep bones and teeth strong, as well as control the levels of hormones that increase obesity. Vitamin D helps reduce fat cells and also prevents the formation of new fat cells, which assists in in weight loss. Also, as you lose weight, your body’s ability to absorb vitamin D increases.

Leptin hormone and appetite control

Vitamin D helps maintain the right level of a hormone called leptin in the body. Leptin regulates appetite and helps prevent overeating. When the level of leptin in your body is right, you can avoid overeating, making weight loss easier.

Sources of Vitamin D

Here are some of the main sources of vitamin D:

Sunlight: This is the most natural and major source of vitamin D.

Vitamin D supplements: A doctor can prescribe vitamin D supplements.

Food Items: Fish, egg yolk, and fortified milk also contain vitamin D.

The importance of vitamin D for weight loss

It is imperative to have sufficient vitamin D in your weight loss journey. It not only helps to reduce fat cells in the body, but it also improves your body’s metabolism. Furthermore, it boosts your energy levels, making you more active and accelerating the calorie burning process.


For weight loss, it is not enough to focus only on the gym and diet. You also need to pay attention to the nutritional requirements of your body, especially vitamin D. By fulfilling the deficiency of vitamin D, you can not only make your weight loss journey easier, but you can also see an improvement in your overall health.

I started my media career with Radio Dhamal, where I honed my skills in radio broadcasting. After that, I spent two years at News24 and E24, gaining valuable experience in news reporting and journalism....