Doing your eye-make-up correctly can be a game-changer for your whole look, one wrong step and you can look damsel in distress rather than the Cinderella you wished to be.
It is important to use the right shades and techniques and know what eye shadows will make your eyes stand out.

How to draw eyeliner

Drawing the perfect eyeliner is the ultimate skill when it comes to beauty and make-up. It does require a bit of practice and a steady hand, but once you’ve got the hang of it, there’s hardly a more effective eye makeup.

Step 1: Preparation

Clean the eyelid so that it is as free of grease as possible. Ideally, you can apply a little primer so that the eyeliner adheres optimally.

Step 2: Apply the eyeliner correctly

Look straight ahead, use a steady hand, then start with the eyeliner in the middle of the eyelid and pull it outwards towards the outer corner of the eye. If you make a mistake, simply moisten a cotton swab with make-up remover, touch it up and start again. As we all know, practice makes perfect! Important for an alert, open look: the tip of the eyeliner should not taper downwards at the outer corner of the eye, but always upwards.

Step 3: Complete the half eyeliner

To complete the eyeliner, ideally, start at the inner eye and draw the eyeliner to the starting point in the middle. This allows for better control. The result is particularly beautiful if the eyeliner gets thicker towards the outside. Therefore, only draw a very gentle line on the inner eye.

Tips & tricks for the perfect eyeliner

  • Draw the eyeliner as close to the lash line as possible. This looks particularly natural and optically thickens the eyelashes.

  • Start with a thin line on the inside and get wider towards the outside. A thick eyeliner over the entire eyelid visually compresses the eye.

  • At the outer corner of the eye, the tip of the eyeliner should never taper downwards, but always upwards.

  • For a particularly dramatic look, you can also apply eyeliner to the lower eyelid. In everyday life, this can quickly look overloaded.

  • If you have a shaky hand, you can try drawing an eyeliner while sitting – support your elbow while doing so, this gives you more stability.

  • Small mistakes happen to everyone – a cotton swab soaked in make-up remover is a lifesaver. 

  • If the eyeliner gets too hot in the summer, simply put it in the fridge for a quarter of an hour before use. It will then be easier to apply.

  • For better hold, you can apply powder or primer before drawing an eyeliner

  • For a particularly alert and awake look, you can apply some highlighter to the inner corner of the eye – this opens up the eyes even more.

  • Eyeliner looks work best when the rest of the make-up is rather subtle. In combination with bright eye shadow or lipstick, the look quickly appears over-done and overloaded.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...