There’s no question that every woman has beautiful eyes. But nobody has anything against using a few simple tricks to accentuate your own best features. And who doesn’t dream of big, sparkling eyes? The good news: with simple tricks for eye make-up, you can give nature a helping hand – and make your eye color shine or make your eyes appear larger.

How can you make your eyes look bigger?

In addition to your own eye color preferences, the shape of your eyes is also important when choosing the right eye makeup. With the right tools, you can make small eyes appear larger, perfectly emphasize large eyes, and conceal eyes that are close or far apart. Here’s how:

Make small eyes look bigger: Strong eyeliner is not ideal and can quickly look overwhelming, so it’s better to use subtle accents. Also: use a light eyeliner to emphasize the inner waterline of the eye – this will emphasize the whites of the eyes and make the eyes look bigger immediately!

Emphasize big eyes: If Mother Nature has blessed you with big eyes, you can accentuate them particularly well with eyeliner or kohl. Eyeliner on the upper eyelid and a little kohl on the lower waterline make big eyes shine.

Step by step make-up instructions eye make-up

  • Prime the face with a moisturizer and foundation
  • Apply concealer that is one or two shades lighter than your skin color to the lower eyelid to blend out dark shadows. Also apply to the inner corners of the eyes and under the highest point of the eyebrow to give you a more awake look (click here for a detailed description of how to use concealer ).

  • Apply eyeshadow base to the eyelid to prolong the durability of eye makeup.
  • Apply a light shade of eyeshadow to the entire eyelid, then apply a darker shade to the eyelid. Blend both together well with a makeup brush

  • If you want, you can now draw an eyeliner or accentuate it with a kohl pencil. Our tip: Don’t always use black eyeliner and kohl pencil, but also use brown, blue, turquoise or anthracite to match the eyeshadow shade. 

  • To give your eyelashes the right curl, you first shape them with an eyelash curler and then apply mascara. You can vary this and, for example, only emphasize the upper lash fan for a subtle look.

  • For a radiant look: don’t forget your eyebrows!

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...