Have you eaten too much again? Feeling full and guilty after a meal? Eating slowly is the way to have more control, well-being, and enjoyment. And therefore also an important contribution to reaching your personal ideal weight. Oviva has clever tips on how to slow down when eating – and a recipe app that will help you change your eating and lifestyle habits.

The benefits of eating slowly

How long has it been since you really enjoyed a meal ? In peace and quiet, without distractions and interruptions? For many people, eating on the go has become the norm . We wolf down our food while texting, streaming series or scrolling through our Instagram feed. Not only do we eat carelessly , but we also usually eat too quickly and too much .

Many of us have to learn to eat slowly again. And we should do that – because a relaxed eating pace is, among other things, an important step on the way to a healthy, personal, comfortable weight .

Eating slowly has the following advantages :

  • You correctly perceive your feeling of satiety and can thus control portion sizes and calorie amounts in a natural way.
  • They stay in sync with your body functions , promote smooth digestion and thus a better feeling after the meal.

They open up your senses to the appearance, smell, taste and mouthfeel of food – and thus open the door to real enjoyment .

Does eating slowly help you lose weight?

Slow eaters don’t overwhelm their bodies. They give their satiety a chance – and therefore do n’t eat more than their body really needs . Eating slowly helps you control the size of your portion and therefore the calorie intake – without feeling like you have to restrict yourself.

There is also evidence that eating a meal slowly keeps you full for longer , meaning you won’t be plagued by an irresistible appetite or even hunger so soon after eating.

Eating slowly is therefore an important component of a strategy that allows you to lose weight without having to do without (and with a lot of enjoyment) : you eat exactly what you like, slowly. Your body then automatically ensures that you feel satisfied after a suitably large meal and that you feel full for a long time.

How slowly should you eat?

People who don’t pay much attention to their food often eat too quickly – and have no real sense of what eating speed is normal. Nutrition experts recommend the 20:20:20 rule :

  • Chew each bite 20 times.
  • Pause for 20 seconds between each bite.
  • Allow at least 20 minutes for the entire meal.

This gives your body enough time to register the incoming food, start digestion and develop the feeling of satiety.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to Timesbull.com, where her work spans a variety...