Aloe vera is a plant that belongs to the so-called grass tree family and probably originated in Arab countries. It is now very widespread and is mainly grown on plantations for commercial use. In Europe, it grows in the Mediterranean region, among other places. Aloe vera is a succulent. This refers to a group of plants with certain properties: Succulents are succulent, which means they can store a lot of liquid and are, therefore, excellently adapted to difficult climatic conditions.

This feature is very important for aloe vera. Its narrow, elongated leaves contain a gel that fills the plant with water when it rains, allowing it to survive longer periods of drought. It is precisely this aloe vera gel that is extracted and processed into skin care products, for example.

Ingredients of the aloe vera plant

Aloe vera is rich in ingredients – there are said to be over 200. In addition to many vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates, it also contains enzymes, amino acids and fats. However, most of the substances only occur in very small quantities and are more present in many conventional fruits and vegetables.

Special ingredients of aloe vera, especially the gel, are the mucilaginous oligosaccharides, as well as glycoproteins and aloenins. More than 90 per cent of the aloe vera gel is made up of water. The following ingredients are also present in the aloe genera:

  • Anthraquinone glycosides (aloin A & B): These are chemical compounds that occur naturally in aloe vera. They have a laxative effect and are used specifically in corresponding preparations. These chemical compounds are found primarily in the outer parts of the leaves.
  • Salicylic acid: It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. When applied externally, it also prevents horny cells from bonding together.
  • Glycosaminoglycans (acemannan): This is a special polysaccharide that is said to have some of the same effects as aloe vera. However, there is no scientific evidence for this.

Use of aloe vera ingredients

The gel extracted from the inside of the leaves is primarily used for cosmetic purposes. Some manufacturers process it further, for example into extracts or powder. There is also so-called aloe latex on the market. This yellowish juice forms directly under the leaf bark and contains anthraquinones, among other substances.

What is in aloe vera juice?

Originally, aloe vera juice referred to processed aloe latex. There are now products on the market that are labeled “juice” but are made from the gel of the plant.

What is aloe vera good for?

Aloe vera is not a miracle cure. But there is a lot of evidence that aloe vera has positive effects when applied externally and can improve the health of the skin. The situation is different with drinking aloe vera juice: There is no scientific evidence of any health benefits. Only the laxative effect of such preparations is known. However, there are numerous alternatives that are better tolerated.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...