The skin is our largest organ and is a mirror of our physical and mental well-being.  When we are stressed, our epidermis is too  and this can trigger pimples and acne. The debate on the relationship between stress and acne is still open, doctors do not completely agree, but one thing is certain: reducing stressful situations is a panacea for the body, mind and skin.

In this article, we will see what impact psychological stress, both in our personal and professional lives, can have on our body in general and on our skin in particular. We will discover the relationship between stress and acne, how it could cause or exacerbate impurities and what are the suggestions to try to reduce stress and minimize its impact on the skin.

What is stress and how does it develop?

Stress is a very personal matter: for some it is a stimulus, for others it is pressure. 1 And when under pressure, people react differently: some panic when faced with small problems, while others remain calm in the face of larger difficulties.

There is a difference between “good stress” (eustress) and “bad stress” (distress). In stressful situations, the body produces hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, blood pressure increases, and the body goes into alarm mode. This state was essential for the survival of our ancestors, helping them to fight or flee in the face of adversity.

How to recognize stress acne

Anxiety acne is likely to take the form of increased blackheads (closed comedones), whiteheads (open comedones), and pimples. Stress-related pimples can typically affect both the face and body. But how can you tell if you’re dealing with blemishes from a particularly intense period in your life?

  • Stress pimples are smaller than classic skin blisters and appear in greater quantities;
  • They do not discriminate on the basis of age or gender;
  • They are mostly concentrated in the forehead area , under the cheekbones and on the chin ;
  • They appear quickly and begin to disappear when we are calmer.

The section “The Development of Acne” explains the appearance of these different types of blemishes.
There are many different forms of acne, and you can read more about them in the section The Different Types of Acne.

How to get rid of stress acne

To eliminate the dreaded anxiety pimples, and prevent them, the first thing to do is reduce stress. Easier said than done, but a more relaxed life has many benefits. For example, about 20 minutes of relaxation can help speed up the healing of wounds5 and help soothe pain.

  • Physical relaxation means reducing muscle tension, so blood pressure and heart rate decrease and breathing slows;
  • Emotional relaxation is a feeling of relief and well-being, an inner peace and serenity;
  • Mental relaxation occurs when there is a recovery from the mental processes that cause anxiety, resulting in feeling less stressed and more grounded in reality.

Tips to reduce stress and treat acne

If everything around us seems crazy, if life runs fast and everyone expects something from us at the same time, it is not easy to remain calm. However, the solution exists: here are some relaxation techniques and useful tips that you can try to calm anxiety and find serenity again.


Many people find meditation to be the solution to mental stress in daily life. The word “meditation” comes from the Latin “meditation” and means “to think” or “to be immersed in thought”. Meditation means to unplug, listen to yourself and focus on your body and especially on your breathing. It is important to meditate in a place where you feel really comfortable and do it in total peace and quiet. This is really a good remedy for stress pimples.

Be gentle with yourself

How do you perceive yourself? Do you have unrealistic expectations of how others see you? These can be the right questions to ask yourself to make sure you aren’t being too hard on yourself. Many people criticize the media for presenting unrealistic beauty goals. It’s stressful to constantly feel like you don’t measure up to these goals − especially if you have acne-prone skin.

Try to remind yourself regularly that no one is perfect . Focus on your strengths, enjoy the positive things and don’t dwell on the negative ones. This important step can make you happier, make you feel better about others and reduce the chances of having stress acne.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...