It can strike during the day, but often disturbs sleep at night. We are talking about itchy feet , that annoying sensation, associated with pathological and non-pathological conditions , which could become a problem for everyday life.

Itchy feet: characteristics and symptoms

Let’s start by saying that itching on the feet, and even between the toes, affects everyone , males and females, and can occur at any age. Sometimes, this discomfort can be localized in some areas, such as the sole or heel , other times that uncontrollable urge to scratch affects the entire sole.

Typically, itchy feet are manifested by an itchy sensation associated with red skin . Sometimes, depending on the cause, you may see red dots on your feet along with the itch. Other times, however, blisters may appear under your feet , always accompanied by a feeling of irritation.

There are several causes, some simpler, others more complex: the important thing, in any case, is to understand what the itching comes from and remedy it with the correct treatment.

Itchy feet: the causes

So, what are the causes of itchy feet ? Sometimes, this discomfort can be associated with very simple causes, which can be resolved in a very short time . For example, mosquito bites , or insects in general, are among the most frequent causes. In this case, it will be enough to let some time pass or use specific creams to limit the inflammation.

Other causes of itchy feet include:

  • foot dermatitis , which can be allergic or irritant contact, atopic or shoe dermatitis;
  • dehydration ;
  • excessive foot sweating ;
  • eczema on the feet;
  • dry skin ;
  • warts;
  • sunburn ;
  • urticaria;
  • psoriasis .

When the itching is particularly intense, it could be linked to a systemic pathology , such as:

  • diabetes ;
  • liver problems . Itching of the hands and feet is often linked to the liver and its health: if there are problems that determine an increase in bilirubin, episodes of redness and itching may occur;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • iron deficiency anemia;
  • circulatory problems ;
  • allergic reactions due to taking certain medications.

In any case, it is advisable to contact a professional to find out the cause of this discomfort, especially when it becomes difficult to manage.

Itchy feet: how to make it go away

Every discomfort has its remedy. To understand which is the most appropriate treatment , first of all we need to shed light on the causes . In some cases, it will be necessary to resort to drugs, in others a more natural solution will do just fine.

Itchy feet: pharmacological remedies

If we are faced with a discomfort of pathological origin, it can be resolved using topical or systemic drugs, including:

  • antihistamines ;
  • corticosteroids;
  • antibiotics ;
  • antiseptics;
  • antifungals .

Itchy feet: natural remedies

When faced with more tolerable symptoms and itchy feet that come from non-pathological situations, it is possible to resort to some natural remedies and pay attention to small things to prevent the irritation from getting worse.

The most effective herbal remedies have emollient and calming properties. Among these we find: calendula;

  • the marigold ;
  • the nettle;
  • chamomile ;​
  • lavender;
  • peppermint ;​
  • aloe vera.

In addition to using nature to relieve itchy feet, it is good to take small daily precautions that can delay the onset of the disorder. For example, you should always keep your feet cool and dry by using breathable footwear and cotton and linen socks . Even foot baths with baking soda are very good, they refresh and prevent irritation. Finally, the use of a good moisturizing and emollient cream will do the rest.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...