As babies grow and pass through their developmental stages, their nutritional needs change significantly. The immune system is developing, and the quality of the food given during this process is of great importance. With the guidance of your doctor, breast milk and/or formula is the most suitable source of nutrition for your baby’s digestive system for the first four to six months. However, after four to six months, they reach maturity by being fed with additional food; it is time to explore this period with your baby and doctor and offer new tastes and foods to your little one.

A very important issue to be careful about at every stage of this process is what foods should not be given to babies. The wrong foods can negatively affect your baby’s health, cause allergic reactions or cause digestive problems. You can introduce solid food in the fourth to sixth month, and while choosing certain foods carefully, it is important to know which foods are harmful to babies.

Egg White

Egg whites are extremely important for baby nutrition. After breast milk, egg whites are an important food for babies and are one of the highest-quality protein sources. However, they are among the foods that should not be consumed before the age of 1. Because egg whites are foods with high allergenic potential and therefore it is recommended that they are not added to babies’ diets before the age of 1.

Even in babies without allergies, adding egg whites at a very early age can be risky. Therefore, egg whites should not be used in babies’ feeding programs without a doctor’s advice.


Honey is among the foods that should not be consumed before the age of 1. Since it contains Clostridium botulinum spores, it is the first thing that should not be given to babies before the age of one. Bacterial spores can spread in the baby’s digestive system, causing serious health problems. Therefore, considering the baby’s immune system, which is not yet sufficiently developed, the best approach would be to avoid consuming potentially risky foods.

Salt and Sugar

Since babies’ immune systems are not yet fully developed, foods like salt and sugar can be difficult to digest and metabolize. It is important to stay away from these foods so that they can grow healthily. Experts warn that breast milk or special formulas should be preferred to meet the nutritional needs of babies. Eliminating foods like salt and sugar from babies’ diets will help them live healthy lives and prevent future health problems. Nowadays, there is a lot of emphasis on sugar, but salt should especially not be consumed by babies under the age of 1-2 because it puts extra strain on their kidneys.

Cow and Goat Milk

Babies’ digestive systems are not yet mature enough, and the proteins and lactose in cow’s and goat’s milk can have negative effects on their digestive systems. Breast milk or formula should be preferred in babies’ first years. Cow’s and goat’s milk can cause allergic reactions, so it is important to check whether babies are allergic to cow’s and goat’s milk. In order for babies to have a healthy growth process, it is important to act in accordance with the advice of a nutritionist or doctor. Care should be taken with goat’s milk, as it may have similar allergenic components to cow’s milk.

Deya is a skilled content writer from Pakistan, with six years of experience in the media industry. Over the years, she has made significant contributions to, where her work spans a variety...