Let us tell you that the worship of Goddess Aparajita first started during the Devasura war when it was said that Navdurgas had destroyed the demons. After this, Goddess Durga went to the Himalayas to do her original power, Adishakti Aparajita, and meditated.

Then, in Treta Yuga, Goddess Aparajita appeared to free the Brahmins from the consequences and atrocities of Ravana. This Goddess blessed Lord Goddess, and he will come back victorious and be the reason for the end of Ravana.

Everyone has heard about the war between Lord Ram and Ravana since childhood. Ravana was not ready to lose, and Lord Ram did not see any victory ray. Despite this, all the foremost warriors from Ravana’s side, including his brother Kumbhakarna and son Meghnath, had reached the end of the time. Ravana was fighting alone with Lord Ram on the battlefield with his army.

At the same time, Rama would cut off Ravana’s head, and another head would emerge. Ram Ji severed the body about ten times, but Ravana’s head would come back again. Ravana is also called Dashanan because he has ten heads.

Then Ram Ji became very worried about why Ravana was not dying. Ram was so disappointed that he started thinking that he would never be able to defeat Ravana. Nine days passed,, and on the tenth da, Lordrd Ram prayed to Goddess Aparajita to bless him to win. The Goddess was delighted. Goddess, the true worship done by Lord Ram, even blessed him to win, and on the tenth day, Lord Ram won with the grace of the Goddess.

According to Goddess Purana, Goddess Aparajita was born from the rigorous penance of Mother Vaishno Devi. Vaishno Devi is a form of Trikala. Since then, it has been said that on the tenth day of Sharadiya Navratri, Goddess Aparajita is worshipped with rituals.

I started my media career with Radio Dhamal, where I honed my skills in radio broadcasting. After that, I spent two years at News24 and E24, gaining valuable experience in news reporting and journalism....