It often happens that by the evening, it is almost impossible to understand what to make for dinner and what not. Be it dal or vegetables, these are usually made every day, and children are especially reluctant to eat them. In such a situation, today we will tell you about an easy recipe for making chana masala. You can make this chana masala recipe quickly and have it ready. It takes only a little time to make the spicy chana masala, which is also delicious. In such a situation, you must try Chana Masala at least once, that too with this recipe:

To make Chana Masala, you will need these ingredients

Gram: 150 grams

Tea water: 1 cup

Salt: according to taste

Onion: 1
Tomato: 1
Curry leaves: 2-3 leaves

Red chilli powder: 1 teaspoon
Coriander powder: 1 teaspoon
Coriander leaves: half a bowl

Prepare Chana Masala in this accessible way:

First, take a bowl of chickpeas and wash them well, then put the chickpeas in a cooker and boil them, but along with water, add one cup of tea water to it so that the aroma and colour come out while cooking. When the chickpeas are boiled, take them out in a bowl.

Now heat a pan and pour oil in it. Put onion, tomato, and green chilli in the oil and fry it by adding salt according to taste. Now turn off the gas and let this mixture cool down. Then, prepare a paste of this mixture in the mixer.

Again, put oil in the pan, add this mixture and stir it well. Now add salt, red chili powder and turn the boiled chickpeas, after this mix all the mixture well. Then mix chana masala, add a big glass of water cove,r, and let the vegetables cook. After stirring for a while, turn off the gas. Here, the hot vegetable is ready. You must serve it with rice, paratha or roti and eat it.