We often don’t know what to do with the leftover dough. In such a situation, today we will tell you about this dish which you will keep eating once you eat t. This dish is delicious and makes it so easy that once you eat it, you will keep eating it.

Prepare the dish of leftover dough in this way:

First of all, keep the leftover dough covered. Then, cut two onions into fine pieces, cut three tomato pieces, cut four five garlic pieces and then take one capsicum. After cutting all these, now separate them.

Now, take the leftover dough and remove the cloth from it. Knead this dough again and prepare a long and thick dough ball. Now, take this dough and cut round pieces. Cut these pieces thickly. Now flatten it on a plate and apply flour, then roll it round and thin, apply oil on it and take a pen, then roll the dough with the pen, wrap it, and make long balls.

Now, take water and put it in a pan, add salt, add a spoon of oil, and place the dough ball in it. Let it cook in water for 5-10 minutes. Now, please take out the balls from it. And after taking them out, cut them into small pieces with a knife.

Now, put a pan on the stove and put some oil in it. Then, add cumin seeds and onion, add tomatoes to it, add corn, and flip the dough ball. Then let it cook.

This flour dish is ready, and it will prove to be beneficial for health and taste.