The personal lives of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, one of the most talked about couples in Bollywood, are in the news these days. The couple, who married in 2007, also has a lovely daughter, Aaradhya. Recently, news is flying on social media that Abhishek has cheated on Aishwarya, due to which there is a rift in their relationship. But is this the truth? If you look at Aishwarya’s Instagram account, the story looks different, which tells that there is still a deep relationship between the two.

Did the rift come on social media?

There has been no official statement from Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai on this matter. That is why this issue is being discussed more. Meanwhile, Abhishek Bachchan’s name is being linked with his co-star Nimrat Kaur. Abhishek’s old interviews and video clips are becoming increasingly viral on social media, where there is talk about his and Nimrat Kaur’s chemistry. But if we pay attention to Aishwarya’s Instagram account, it tells a different picture.

What does Aishwarya’s Instagram account say?

Looking at Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s Instagram account, it becomes clear that she follows only her husband, Abhishek Bachchan. Aishwarya has more than 1.43 crore followers and has made more than 339 posts, but there is only one name in the following – Abhishek Bachchan. This proves that the trust and deep love between them is still intact.

Fans are waiting for the official statement of the couple

Although Aishwarya and Abhishek have not commented on this whole matter, fans hope both will break their silence soon. The couple’s silence has led to rumours, but their social media signals confirm that everything is fine between them.

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