Before 2025, govt makes big announcement. In anticipation of the upcoming assembly elections, the Aam Aadmi Party has unveiled the Mahila Samman Yojana in Delhi, set to launch on December 12. The initiative, approved by the Delhi Cabinet under Chief Minister Atishi, will provide a monthly stipend of Rs 1,000 to women. The party has pledged to raise this amount to Rs 2,100 if re-elected in Delhi. This scheme is aimed at women aged 18 and above.
Eligibility for the Mahila Samman Yojana requires women to possess a voter card in Delhi by December 12, 2024. Consequently, those without a voter card or whose names are not on the voter list will not qualify for the Rs 1,000 stipend. Additionally, women who are current or former employees of the Central Government, Delhi Government, or any local authority, as well as those who have served as MPs, MLAs, or Councilors, or who paid income tax in the previous year, will also be excluded from this benefit.
Furthermore, women receiving assistance from any of the Delhi Government’s Old Age Pension Scheme, Disability Pension Scheme, or Financial Assistance Scheme for victimized women will not be eligible for the Mahila Samman Yojana. The initiative is expected to support approximately 3.8 million women.
Chief Minister Atishi emphasized that the Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojana represents a significant advancement toward achieving financial independence for women in Delhi. He noted that many women in the capital struggle with financial dependency, often relying on male family members for their basic needs throughout different stages of life. Acknowledging this challenge, the government has initiated this scheme to empower women financially.