Allu Arjun, who is the superstar of ‘Pushpa 2’, was recently arrested in the Hyderabad stampede case, in which a woman died. After this arrest on Friday, Allu Arjun was sent on 14 days remand. However, the High Court granted him interim bail on Saturday, and he was released from jail in the morning. The video of his release went viral on social media, but since then, the anger of fans and social media users has increased continuously.

Why are social media users angry with Allu Arjun?

After the release of Allu Arjun, his fans and many big stars of the Telugu film industry went to meet him. Photos and videos of this meeting are going viral on social media. But the incident that led to his arrest, in which a woman died and her child is still hospitalized, has become the reason for people’s anger.

Questions raised on the celebration of the release

People have raised questions on social media: is it right to celebrate Allu Arjun’s release in this way despite the death of a woman? One user wrote:

“A woman is dead, and her child is in the hospital, but here, the drama of release is going on. All this now looks like a PR stunt.”

Indifference towards the victim’s family

Some users expressed displeasure that Allu Arjun still needs to meet the woman’s family. One user wrote:

“Raja Babu, who made a film worth Rs 300 crore, spent one night in jail, and the whole industry is celebrating as if he has returned after winning a war.”

What is the matter?

The incident took place during an event held in Hyderabad, in which a stampede led to the death of a woman and many people were injured. Allu Arjun was arrested in this case, accusing him of organizing an irresponsible event.

Fans react in support of Allu Arjun.

However, some Allu Arjun fans believe he has been wrongly implicated. One user wrote:”Allu Arjun is innocent, and this is just an attempt to tarnish his name.”Finally, the question is: Are stars responsible for society?

This incident has raised a big question: should film stars use their popularity to fulfil social responsibilities?This incident of Allu Arjun reminds us that true stardom comes from understanding one’s responsibilities in real life, not just on screen.

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