What is the major difference between Masked and Regular Aadhaar card? Let’s find out 

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Sweta Mitra

In the current time the Aadhaar card is one of the most important documents these days. Deciding between opening a bank account or enrolling in college. The Aadhaar card serves as an identification card. Nonetheless, a variant of the Aadhaar card, known as the Masked Aadhaar Card, is increasingly employed for all government-related tasks. It has been created with the everyday person’s safety in focus. What is a masked Aadhaar card and its uses? 


What is a Masked Aadhaar card?

The masked Aadhaar is a type of Aadhaar card. It conceals 8 digits from the 12 digits assigned to any individual’s identity card. It has been developed with the security and privacy of individuals in consideration. It can similarly be utilized like the Aadhaar card; however, due to insufficient numbers, accessing someone’s details can be challenging.


You don’t need to visit any specific website for a mask Aadhaar card. It is also available for download on UIDAI’s official website. This is equally valid as the standard base.


How to download the mask Aadhaar


1. For this, you have to login to the official website https://uidai.gov.in/.


2. Now go to the Download Aadhaar section and select the ‘My Aadhaar’ option.


3. Enter the Aadhaar card number, then click on the captcha and then click on Send OTP and verify the OTP.


4. Now the download option will open, through which you can download the Aadhaar card.


5. After clicking on the download option, you will be asked whether you want to download the mask Aadhaar card or not.


6. Yes, but your Aadhaar card will be downloaded as soon as you download it. However, it will be downloaded in PDF form, which will be locked.


7. To open this lock, you have to fill in four words of your name in uppercase and enter DOB in DOB format.


8. Masked Aadhaar can be used in places where your document can be easily accessed.
