Business Idea:- People adopt different ways to earn money. Huge incomes can be made from every work, and the dream of becoming rich will come true. Now, farmers are also making huge profits by using new techniques. In addition to traditional farming, farmers are becoming rich by growing different crops. Natural farming is a good option for farmers, as it is low-cost and yields substantial profits.

Natural farming is an option that can be started at a low cost. If you want to get good results from farming, doing natural farming will be like a golden opportunity. Many programs are being organized to make farmers aware of natural farming. Along with this, substantial income can also be made from crops like peanuts and soybeans. If you are a farmer, then you can know some important things.

Important things related to natural farming

Kalubhai Chaudhary has shared some important things related to natural farming. He is a resident of Ratnapura village of Bhavnagar district. He has been continuously doing natural farming since his primary education. He cultivates crops like drumstick, tomato, and bitter gourd through this farming. In this, drumstick is being grown as the main crop.

Kalu Bhai Chaudhary used to plant bitter gourd by intercropping it with drumsticks. This crop was grown in about half a bigha and quickly produced 15 to 20 thousand rupees. He also improved his financial budget by earning about one and a quarter lakh rupees from drumsticks in one to one and a half acres of insurance land.

If the farmer is to be believed, natural farming is done with him in most of the bigha of land. Natural fertilizers like organic manure, Jeevamrit and Beej Amrit are used for this. Then, in case of any disease or insect attack, sour buttermilk, milk jaggery, cow urine, etc., are also sprayed on the crop.

Earned a lot from tomato farming

If the farmer is to be believed, he has earned much money by cultivating tomatoes. He earned about Rs 40,000 from tomato farming in one to one and a half bighas. Farmers are gradually increasing their productivity by cultivating different crops. They used to do natural farming only in a small area, but with time, they are now earning a lot by doing natural agriculture on more than seven bighas of land.

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