Vastu Tips: Vastu Shastra tells about every thing like where should a person’s house be or what should be the way of living etc. But do you know that apart from all this, Vastu Shastra tells us about one more thing and that is whether it is auspicious or inauspicious to have this tree outside the house.
If one comes to know about this, then the person never becomes a victim of Vastu Dosh. Therefore, today we will know what Vastu Shastra actually says about the papaya tree.
You must have also seen that many people plant a papaya tree right in front of their house or if there is empty space in the courtyard inside the house, then they plant it there. But do you know what Vastu Shastra says about the papaya tree? If you do not know, then we will tell you that too later.
Papaya tree should not be planted inside the house
If we believe according to Vastu Shastra, then a person should never plant a papaya tree in the courtyard of the house even by mistake. The main reason behind this is that it is considered very inauspicious. If you plant a papaya tree in the courtyard of the house, then the risk of quarrels increases up to two times. Therefore, one should not plant a papaya tree in the courtyard even by mistake.
Papaya tree can be planted near or in front of the house
Papaya tree can be planted in front of the house. Just keep in mind that whenever you plant this sapling, pour a pot of Ganga water in it so that with the blessings of Maa Ganga ji, all kinds of negativity goes away and the tree also grows quickly.