The government is implementing various initiatives aimed at empowering women. One notable program introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi last December has gained significant popularity. This initiative is known as the ‘LIC Bima Sakhi’ scheme. To date, over 50,000 women have signed up for this program. Let’s explore what this scheme entails and how one can get involved.
What is its goal?
The insurance industry is rapidly growing, leading to increased job opportunities. With this in mind, the LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana was created to enhance women’s involvement in the insurance field. By participating in this scheme, women can become LIC agents and achieve financial independence.
What are the earnings?
A standout feature of this scheme is that women begin earning as soon as they enroll. LIC offers a three-year training program for eligible women to prepare them as agents. During this training, participants receive a monthly stipend. According to the LIC website, those who join the LIC Bima Sakhi Yojana earn Rs 7,000 per month in the first year, Rs 6,000 in the second year, and Rs 5,000 in the third year.
What is required?
Under the ‘LIC Bima Sakhi’ scheme, women are tasked with selling insurance policies and must meet the annual targets set by LIC. They also earn commissions for the policies they sell. So far, there have been 52,511 registrations for this scheme, with 27,695 women receiving appointment letters to sell policies. Additionally, 14,583 Bima Sakhis have begun selling policies.
Who is eligible?
Women aged between 18 and 70 who have completed at least the 10th grade can apply for this scheme. However, relatives of current agents or LIC employees are not eligible, nor can retired employees or former agents of LIC participate.
How to apply?
Applications can be submitted offline by visiting the nearest LIC office or online through the official website. Along with the application, you will need to provide certain documents.