Pan Card 2.0 Update: Since the government launched the PAN 2.0 project, people have been eager to make it. A large number of people are seen getting it made. Anyway, the PAN Card is considered an important document, in the absence of which all the work related to the financial sector gets stuck in the middle. With this, Pan 2.0 has now replaced Pan 1.0 in India.

From now on, whoever applies for a PAN card will be issued a new PAN Card 2.0. If your PAN 2.0 does not arrive after using, do not worry. We will tell you how to shower PAN Card 2.0 so there will be no problem. Most importantly, PAN 2.0 will not affect the existing PAN Card. The government will gradually make PAN Card 2.0 available to the people.

How do you check the online status?

If you have applied for Pan Card 2.0 and it has not arrived yet, you can check its status at home.

To do this, first of all, you must go to the official website of NSDL and click.

Then, you must select ‘PAN- New/Change Request’ as the application type.

Then, you will need to enter the acknowledgement number. I got it while applying for a  PAN card.

Then, youmusto enter the captcha code below and click on submit.

Then, the status of your PAN card will be visible on the screen. It will tell about the status of the PAN card.

Generally, it takes 15-20 days for the PAN card to be delivered.

Why is a PAN card necessary?

PAN Card is an important document, without which you have to face many problems. If you go to open an account in a bank or file income tax returns, then a PAN Card is given priority first. Without a PAN card, all work remains incomplete. Therefore, get your PAN card made in time.

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