Pawan Singh Hits Viral: The power star of the Bhojpuri industry, Pawan Singh, has rocked the entire country and abroad with his singing and hit films. The actor’s songs and romance are often discussed among the people. In such a situation, his amazing chemistry and songs are also very popular on social media.
These days, Pawan Singh has drawn the full attention of the fans with one hit song after another. Today, we will show you the list of Pawan Singh’s top trending hit songs, which are very popular on social media.
Bhojpuri hit album song Saadi, en sung by Pawan Singh & Shivani Singh together in their voice. Kundan Preet has written its lovely lyrics.
Shyam Sundar has given his music to it. The song is enjoyable, looting the hearts of the audience today. In the song, Pawan Singh is seen romancing and dancing fiercely with beautiful actress Palak Verma.
The fantastic chemistry of both has created a ruckus on social media. The actress in a black coloured saree is attracting Pawan Singh a lot towards her killer style. This romantic song of both has crossed 180 million views on YouTube.
Viewers love to watch and listen to it. If you have not seen this trending hit song of Pawan Singh yet, then watch it here once.