Vastu Tips: Many times you must have heard people saying that what did you see in the morning that your whole day got spoiled. In such a situation, do you also know that they do not say this just in jest but it is also true that there are some things which can spoil a person’s whole day and fill him with disappointment.

In such a situation, today we are going to tell you that whenever you wake up in the morning, avoid doing such things which can disappoint you.

According to Vastu, do not look at your own shadow or your own face first as soon as you wake up in the morning. First of all, on waking up, take blessings from Mother Earth and apologize to her that Mother Earth may forgive all your mistakes and help you make today’s day bright so that you can achieve growth in life.

At the same time, according to Vastu Shastra, one should never look at dirty utensils in the morning because it is not auspicious at all and doing so can spread inauspiciousness. Always try to wash the utensils before going to sleep at night. Leaving dirty utensils in the kitchen can anger Goddess Annapurna and cause unrest in the house.

According to Sanatan Dharma and Vastu Shastra, whenever you go out in the morning, do namaskar to the Sun God so that you can receive his blessings. If the Sun God keeps blessing you, then such a person never faces any kind of problem in doing his job. Therefore, these were some of the following tasks which should be done first thing in the morning, because they are considered auspicious. At the same time, they can change your whole day into positivity.

Apart from this, you should never look at an old broken clock or a bad clock as soon as you wake up in the morning, because it can spoil your day. It can also bring your bad times closer.