Vastu Tips: According to Vastu Shastra, there are some things that should neither be taken from anyone nor given to anyone, because if you do so, you can become a victim of Vastu Dosh and no one can save your house from Vastu Dosh.

At the same time, even if these things are very much needed, do not take them for free. Or give some other thing to the person from whom you have taken it or give them money. Because if you take them for free, you may have to face problems related to Vastu.

Know what these things are:


The needle used for stitching clothes should never be given to anyone for free. Because it is said that by doing so, the happiness of life can be completely destroyed. According to Vastu, taking a needle brings negativity in the house and happiness and peace also ends from the person’s life.


Talking about salt, it is considered to be associated with the planet Saturn. According to Vastu Shastra, salt should never be taken from anyone for free, no matter how special that person is to you. Trading salt can increase financial problems up to two times.

Apart from this, it is said that it can also increase diseases and a person can also face a huge debt problem. Therefore, trading salt is not considered auspicious.

Mustard oil

According to Vastu, a person should never take mustard oil from anyone for free. These things make a person completely weak financially. Along with this, money related problems can also increase. Therefore, mustard oil should never be taken from anyone for free.

Apart from this, it is said that a person should not take things related to iron for free, because it can cause financial crisis.