Elaichi Ke Totke: Often you must have seen that many times it happens that even after doing all the hard work and adopting everything, luck does not support. In such a situation, it is known that the luck is bad or there is something that the work remains incomplete before completion.
In such a situation, if you are also feeling this again and again or you are feeling very lonely, then today we will tell you these easy remedies. These remedies are so easy that by adopting them, all the problems and problems related to life will go away.
In such a situation, you should also know these panacea remedies:
It is considered very effective in astrology
By adopting this trick of green cardamom, the closed locks of your luck will also open. The main reason behind this is that green cardamom has been described as very effective, effective and efficient in astrology. By adopting these remedies of green cardamom, a person can progress in life and can overcome all the problems coming in life. Green cardamom is very effective for progress in life.
Green cardamom is considered to be very dear to Goddess Lakshmi
According to astrology, green cardamom is very dear to Goddess Lakshmi. To get wealth, wrap seven cardamoms in a red handkerchief and keep it inside the safe. By doing this, you will get the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi and will also receive the grace of Goddess Lakshmi. Green cardamom is capable of removing all kinds of financial problems.
Green cardamom removes obstacles in marriage
If there is a problem in marriage or the relationship is breaking repeatedly after being fixed, then offer green cardamom to Lord Ganesha. You have to do this work every day on Monday. With the grace of Lord Ganesha, this problem of yours will be solved soon.
Use of green cardamom while sleeping removes these problems
If there is a child or a person who has very bad dreams while sleeping, then this remedy of cardamom can prove to be very helpful. With these remedies of green cardamom, every kind of worst problems can be solved. To remove pain and troubles from life, take 11 green cardamoms and keep them under your pillow. By doing this, all kinds of bad dreams will completely stop coming.