Gemology: If we talk about gemology, then all the nine gems have been explained in detail in it. It also tells a lot about the nine gems, which gem suits which planet and wearing which gem removes the problems of life. Gems can prove to be of both types, such as if it bears fruit, then positive and negative effects can be seen.

That is why gems should always be worn with the advice of an astrologer because only positive effects are seen and you people stay away from all kinds of negativity. At the same time, if we believe in astrology, then due to the absence of the position of the stars along with the planets, a person may have to face many kinds of difficulties and problems in getting married.

In such a situation, in gemology, some special types of gems have been told, that if you are not getting married, then you can wear them. It is said that there are some special gems, by wearing which all the problems in life are eliminated from the root.

Pearl Ratna

The men or women who are facing problems in marriage are advised to wear pearl ratna.

Diamond Ratna

If the position of Venus in your Kundali is not good, then there can be many problems and difficulties in marriage. In such a situation, it is advised to wear diamond ratna. As soon as you wear this gem, all the problems and difficulties related to marriage go away.

Pukhraj Ratna

Women who are not able to get married should definitely wear Pukhraj. It is considered to be a very auspicious and fruitful gem.

Sapphire Ratna

People of Capricorn and Aquarius zodiac signs, which are owned by Saturn, are advised to wear sapphire ratna. This gem increases good fortune a lot, whoever likes it.