Vastu Tips: According to Vastu Shastra, having a kitchen in the house is a very important part. The reason behind this is that it is said that apart from Maa Annapurna, Maa Lakshmi also resides in the kitchen. Therefore, it is very important for the kitchen to be clean and proper. The special thing is that if you believe in Vastu Shastra, then by following the rules of Vastu completely, you can bring happiness, peace and prosperity in the house.

By installing the kitchen, gas stove and shelves in the right direction in the kitchen, many problems related to Vastu are eliminated from the root. At the same time, one more thing should be taken special care of in the kitchen that never keep leftover food here. Because these things not only strengthen the financial condition, but also eliminate the health related problems of the person.

By having the kitchen in this way, only positivity remains. Also, there is no trace of negativity anywhere. In such a situation, know which are those things that should not be kept in the kitchen even by mistake.

Do not keep broken utensils in the kitchen

According to Vastu Shastra, broken utensils should not be kept in the kitchen. The reason behind this is that broken utensils can bring negativity. Therefore, even if you keep them, remove them immediately.

Do not keep medicines in the kitchen

According to Vastu Shastra, keeping medicines in the kitchen is not auspicious at all. These medicines attract negative energy. Therefore, keep medicines away from the kitchen.

Mirror in the kitchen

According to Vastu Shastra, having a mirror in the kitchen is also considered very inauspicious. Having a mirror in the kitchen can increase fights and quarrels up to two times. Therefore, one should avoid keeping a mirror in the kitchen.