Vastu Tips For Wealth: In Sanatan Dharma, if you want happiness, prosperity and well-being in life, then many remedies have been told. These remedies are so effective that whoever believes in them, all kinds of negative powers go away from their life and there is a positive atmosphere in the house. The special thing is that by adopting these Vastu remedies, prosperity also increases.

At the same time, the coordination between the family members remains in the right way. In such a situation, we tell you that if you also want to achieve happiness, prosperity and wealth in life, then definitely know about these special rules.

Know about these rules of Vastu Shastra:

According to Vastu Shastra, if you believe, then the north direction is actually said to be the place of Kuber ji, the god of wealth. At the same time, the Agni angle i.e. the south-east direction of the house is the inflow of wealth. In such a situation, whoever does not believe in them, they have to face financial problems to a great extent. Therefore, there is a need to clean this direction properly.

If you want to get happiness and prosperity, then take special care of these special things:

Take special care of the north direction of the house

According to Vastu Shastra, the north direction of the house has the most influence of Mercury. It is also said that if red color is used in the north direction, then the inflow of money increases. In such a situation, you can install a red colored idol in the north direction.

South-east direction of the house

Actually, according to Vastu Shastra, the south-east direction of the house is considered to be the place of Lord Venus. In such a situation, you should use red and green colors the most at this place. At the same time, if you keep the idol of Goddess Lakshmi in this direction, then the possibility of increasing the inflow of money is very high.

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