Shani Dhaiya 2025: Only a few days are left for the new year to begin. In such a situation, if we believe in astrology, then in the year 2025, there will be a huge change in the important zodiac sign of Saturn. It is certain that the zodiac change to be done in the year 2025 will prove to be very special and important for two zodiac signs. The biggest reason behind this is that the effect of Shani’s Dhaiya will be completely over from these zodiac signs.

As the effect of Shani’s Dhaiya will end, the people of these two zodiac signs will see direct change. Apart from this, new paths to move forward in life will also be revealed which were looking closed till now. In such a situation, it is very important to know which are the two zodiac signs which will clearly see auspicious results in the year 2025 due to the transit of Saturn.

Dhaiyya will start for these two zodiac signs

According to Hindu Vedic calendar, on March 29, 2025, the judge of the planets, Lord Shani Dev, will leave Aquarius and enter Pisces. Now as soon as Shani Dev enters Pisces, the mathematics of Dhaiyya will change completely.

These two zodiac signs will get special benefits


With the arrival of Saturn in Pisces, the people of Scorpio zodiac will get special benefits. The people of these zodiac signs will get new opportunities as well as special benefits of earning money. There will also be a lot of growth in business.


When Shani Dev enters Pisces in the year 2025, the effect of Shani’s Dhaiyya will end in this zodiac sign. Along with this, the financial condition of the people of this zodiac will also get stronger day by day. Unnecessary expenses will also stop.