Vastu Tips: If you want to make the atmosphere of the house happy and memorable, then many things have been told in detail in Vastu Shastra. According to Vastu Shastra, by adopting these things, every kind of negativity in life goes away and only positive energy remains all around in life.

At the same time, it is also told in Vastu Shastra that there are some things, which if removed from your house, then every type of Vastu Dosh is removed. In such a situation, you must take care of these things related to Vastu.

At the same time, according to Vastu, it is also said that never keep bad things in your house, such as a bad clock. This creates a situation like fights among the members of the house. Also, the person may have to face financial problems.

According to Vastu, a person can be a victim of Vastu Dosh due to rusted things in the house. In such a situation, if there are rusted things in your house, then remove them immediately. Most of the people are such whose houses are filled with junk and garbage. In such a situation, if you have rusted things in your house like doors, latches, locks etc. then throw them out today itself. Otherwise, a situation of quarrel and fight arises in the family.

Apart from all this, having a store of junk on the roof of the house is also considered inauspicious. Keeping such things on the roof not only spreads dirt but also Goddess Lakshmi can get angry and leave the house forever. Therefore, remove them from your house today itself.