Vastu Tips: In today’s time, giving and taking is a very common thing. Like sometimes the things like salt, sugar, thread etc. get over. In such a situation, the neighbors ask for these things from us or we ask them from the neighbors. But according to Vastu, these things are such, due to which a person can become a victim of Vastu Dosh. Therefore, you should not take these things from anyone else even for free.

Do not take these things for free even by mistake, expenses will increase


Many times it happens that people give things like purse to anyone for free. Like if it is someone’s birthday or someone is getting married, then in such a situation it is very common to give things like purse as a gift. In the same way, the coincidences related to our wealth also get transferred to that person.


If we believe in religious beliefs, then iron is directly related to the planet Saturn. If we believe in Vastu Vidya, then never by mistake, things related to iron should be taken from anyone for free, otherwise the person can become a victim of Vastu Dosh. Also, problems like unrest in the family and physical problems can also arise.


Salt should never be taken for free from anyone. If we believe in religious beliefs, salt is actually associated with the planet Saturn. In such a situation, if you take salt for free from someone, then you may have to face financial problems. Also, the possibility of losing money also increases up to two times.


Running out of oil while cooking is a common problem. In such a situation, whenever the oil runs out, we take help from our neighbors. But according to Vastu, mustard oil is directly related to prosperity and money. At the same time, oil also makes a person financially weak.