Vastu Tips: You must have also seen that many times it happens that a person has all kinds of qualifications and has also completed his studies from a good university, but despite all this, he does not get a job. If you are going through this problem, then do you know that Vastu Dosh can also be a major reason behind this. Due to which a person is not able to get a job even if he wants to.

In such a situation, today we will tell you some tips according to Vastu through which you will get a job or interview quickly.

These small tips will help a lot:

Especially take special care that whenever you go for a job interview or exam, then also keep a red colored cloth or garment in your pocket. Apart from this, you can also keep a knot of turmeric or dry ginger in your pocket. This is also very auspicious. At the same time, it does not let the person face failure. Actually, by keeping them with you, Maa Saraswati gives her blessings which proves to be very helpful to the person in clearing the exam or interview for the job.

Apart from this, whenever you go for an interview, do not forget to take the blessings of Lord Ganesha. Also, offer water to the Sun God and Maa Tulsi. Along with this, if you feed a poor child, then also God becomes very happy and the chances of getting a job increase by almost two times.

Also, whenever you go for an interview or exam, always leave your house after eating something sweet or curd and sugar. This is also very auspicious. Along with this, your mind also works fresh.