Vastu Tips: What should be the main door of your house so that all kinds of negative energy stays away, these questions must be coming in the mind of every person. Actually, the main door of the house should be understood as the main place where what kind of energy will enter. That is why it is said that the main door of the house should always be right. At the same time, many things have been told about the main door in Vastu Shastra, which you must know about.

This is the best direction of the main door of the house

According to Vastu Shastra, the main door of the house should always be towards the east-west direction or east direction. This is the main direction of the house which is considered the most auspicious. At the same time, the entrance should be located in the middle of the west direction. It is said that by doing this, happiness, prosperity and the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi always remain in the house. At the same time, the main door of the house should always be big and not small.

Remember that these things are completely prohibited in front of the main door of the house

Keep in mind that there should not be any kind of dirt and garbage near the main door of the house. Also, there should not be any dirty water in this direction. Keep in mind that Maa Lakshmi and the God of wealth Kuber never reside in dirt.

Always keep the main door decorated

To spread positive energy in your house, the house should always be decorated because it is considered very auspicious. Also, you should always make the symbol of Om or Swastika in your house. Keep in mind that you should make it only with yellow or red color. Because it is a symbol of auspiciousness. Apart from this, you should also put a sweet bell in the house, so that its sweet bell keeps ringing.

Do use it inside the house

Remember that you must use a door mat in front of the main door of the house. This prevents negativity from entering your house to a great extent. Only positivity remains all around.