Vastu Tips: There are many such trees in Sanatan Dharma about which it is said that gods and goddesses reside in them. These trees and plants are also worshipped and water is also offered to them as per the rituals. In such a situation, the plant whose importance we are going to tell you about today is Shami.

It is said that Lord Shiva resides in the Shami plant. That is why you will also get to see Shami plant in the courtyard of your house or outside the house. In such a situation, if you also have a Shami plant in your house, then definitely know these important things about it.

Shami plant helps in air purification

Actually, Shami plant is a kind of indoor plant. This plant does not need much sunlight or water to grow. By planting Shami plant inside the house, it purifies the air and works as air purifier. This keeps both the mood and the environment fresh.

Shami plant makes the atmosphere of the house positive

Positivity remains all around due to Shami plant in the house. This plant helps in increasing positive energy up to four times. At the same time, the stress of people is also relieved by having this plant inside the house. Therefore, planting it in the house is very pure.

Positive atmosphere remains in the house

Positive atmosphere remains all around due to Shami plant in the house. Wherever this plant is present, there is only positive energy. It is also effective in relieving stress and eradicating serious problems like depression from the root.

Children feel like studying

Wherever the Shami plant is present in the house, it is considered very special for the students there. It is said that in whichever house it is present, children feel like studying.