Mahindra has launched two new electric cars in the Indian market. These include BE 6e and XEV 9e. BE 6e is a small SUV that will compete with models like the Tata Curve EV, MG ZS EV, upcoming Maruti e-Vitara, and upcoming Hyundai Creta EV. This all-electric coupe SUV has no direct competitor, but it can compete with the Harrier EV coming next year. At the same time, XEV 9e will also compete with BYD Atto 3 and Hyundai Ioniq 5 to some extent. So let’s see the comparison of these cars.

First of all, talking about the dimensions of Mahindra XEV 9e, its length is 4789mm, width is 1907mm, height is 1694mm and wheelbase is 2775mm. Its ground clearance is 207mm. Its touring diameter is 10m. The size of its tyres is 245/55 R19 (245/50 R20). It has a boot space of 663 liters and a frunk of 150 liters.

Now talking about the dimensions of Mahindra Auto 3, its length is 4455mm, width is 1875mm, height is 1615mm, and wheelbase is 2720mm. Its ground clearance is 175mm. The size of its tyres is 215/55 R18. It has a boot space of 440 liters.

Talking about the dimensions of Ionic 5, its length is 4635mm, width 1890mm, height is 1625mm, and wheelbase is 3000mm. Its ground clearance is 163mm. Its touring diameter is 12m. The size of its tyres is 255/45 R20. It has a boot space of 527 liters and a frunk of 57 liters.

Mahindra XEV 9e 2

Now talking about the battery, range, and charging of these cars, the battery size of XEV 9e 59kWh is 59kWh. It has a 231hp/380Nm motor. It comes with an RWD drive. Its MIDC range is 542km. It gets charged in 20 minutes with a 140kW fast charger. At the same time, it gets charged in 8.7 hours with a charge of 7.2kW and in 6 hours with a charge of 11kW.

The battery size of XEV 9e 79kWh is 79kWh. It has a 286hp/380Nm motor. It comes with an RWD drive. Its MIDC range is 656km. It gets charged in 20 minutes with a 170kW fast charger. At the same time, it gets charged in 11.7 hours with a 7.2kW charge and in 8 hours with an 11kW charge.

The battery size of Atto 3 Dynamic is 49.92kWh. It gets a 204hp/310Nm motor. It comes with an FWD drive. Its MIDC range is 468km. At the same time, it gets charged in 8 hours with a normal charger. It reaches a speed of 0-100kph in 7.9 seconds.

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The battery size of Atto 3 Premium and Superior is 60.48kWh. It gets a 204hp/310Nm motor. It comes with an FWD drive. Its MIDC range is 521km. Whereas, it gets charged in 9.5-10 hours with a normal charger. It reaches a speed of 0-100kph in 7.3 seconds.

Now talking about the Ionic 5, its battery size is 72.6kWh. It has a 217hp/350Nm motor. It comes with an RWD drive. Its MIDC range is 631km. It gets charged in 21 minutes with a 150kW fast charger. Whereas, it gets charged in 7 hours with an 11kW charge. It reaches a speed of 0-100kph in 7.6 seconds.

Now talking about their ex-showroom prices, the prices of XEV 9e start from Rs 21.90 lakh. Whereas, the prices of Atto 3 are between Rs 24.99 to Rs 33.99 lakh. Whereas, the price of Ionic 5 is Rs 46.05 lakh.

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