Is your Aadhaar card more than 10 years old then there is important news for you. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has extended the last date for updating the Aadhaar card.

Earlier the last date was 14 September, but keeping in mind the large number of people updating the Aadhaar card, it has been decided to extend it for the next three months.

That is, Aadhaar card holders can now update Aadhaar for free till 14 December 2024. Especially get all the information of Aadhaar cards made 10 years or older updated. Online upload is free and the fee for offline upload is ₹ 50.

Why is it necessary to update your Aadhaar card

Divya Jain, in charge of Aadhaar cards in the Department of Information and Technology, said that UIDAI has issued instructions that such persons who got their Aadhaar 10 years ago and after that date have not made any correction in any demographic update (name, address, date of birth), such Aadhaar cardholders will have to update the documents.

How to Update Aadhaar

You can upload documents online by visiting UIDAI’s website and offline by visiting the nearest Aadhaar center.

In case of not uploading the documents, the person concerned may be deprived of Aadhaar-related services. To update the documents online, it is necessary to have a mobile number in your Aadhaar.

Where can you get Aadhaar updated

Aadhaar card can be updated at the Aadhaar center established in the district’s mini secretariat, RTO office, and statistics office. Also, Aadhaar can be updated at the Aadhaar center run by the Postal Department in post offices and Aadhaar centres run by banks.

If your Aadhaar card is more than 10 years old, then get it updated soon. You may have to pay a fee to get it updated after December 14. Therefore, take advantage of this opportunity and get your Aadhaar updated for free.