Compared to earlier times, people in India now prefer to buy cars equipped with safety features. As a result, companies are introducing cars with many advanced features. Additionally, six airbags have now been made mandatory in every car. These airbags provide safety to passengers during accidents. However, passengers must keep certain things in mind. Due to some mistakes, even the airbags installed in the car may fail to protect you. Let us learn about these mistakes.

Always Wear a Seat Belt

Whether the car has airbags or not, always wear a seat belt. Not wearing a seat belt in a car with airbags can be particularly dangerous. Most modern cars are equipped with a feature where airbags will not deploy if the seat belt is not fastened. Therefore, never forget to buckle up.

Avoid Sitting Too Close to the Steering

The driver’s side airbag is located in the steering wheel. Sitting too close to the steering wheel can lead to injuries to the face when the airbag deploys. Additionally, being too close can prevent the airbag from opening properly, reducing its effectiveness and leaving the driver inadequately protected.

Do not decorate the dashboard too much

All the cars that are coming in recent times have 6 airbags. Due to this, now the co-driver also gets an airbag in the car. The airbag hits the dashboard to open. If any item is kept on the dashboard of the car, then the co-driver can get hurt.

Check before installing the seat cover

Some cars also have side airbags. More caution is required in such cars. In most cars, the side airbags are installed inside the seat (Airbags safety guide). Due to the seat cover, they do not open. Due to this, the passenger can get hurt. Keeping this in mind, do check it before installing a new seat cover.

Do not keep your feet on the dashboard

The co-driver should never keep his feet on the dashboard in a moving car. Doing this can be dangerous for you. The airbag opens with a slight bang and it opens immediately. Your leg can also break due to the blast. Many incidents related to this have also come to light. At the same time, even if there is no co-driver airbag, one should not keep feet on the dashboard.