The company has kept the starting ex-showroom price of the new 450S at Rs 1.30 lakh. At the same time, the mid 450X 2.9 variant will be available for Rs 1.47 lakh. Apart from this, the ex-showroom price of Ather 450X 3.7 is Rs 1.57 lakh. The company has launched this range with new features and more range than before. The company has also increased the price of these electric scooters with the update.
2025 Ather 450S update
Ather has increased the price of the updated 450S by Rs 4,400, which now comes with a faster 375-watt fast charger than before. This will now take less time to charge the electric scooter. The company has also increased the price of the Pro Pack of Ather 450S to Rs 14,000. Let us tell you that after choosing this Pro Pack, you get the most features with Ather 450S.
2025 Ather 450X update
Both variants of this electric scooter have now got features like Magic Twist and Traction Control. Apart from this, Ather 450X 2.9 has also been introduced in two new colors. In return, its price has been increased by Rs 6,400. The biggest advantage is that now it comes with a 700-watt fast charger, which has reduced the charging time of 450X by almost half.
2025 Ather 450X 3.7 update
The top model of this electric scooter has become costlier by only Rs 2,000 than before. With this, new features and new colors have been made available, which include options for low and high magic twists. In the 2.9 trim of 450X, you get this feature according to use or not, that is, it can be turned off or on, and it cannot be changed.
2025 Ather 450X 3.7 Pro Pack Update
Even though its prices have increased, its pro packs are available at the same price as before. In this, the price of pro packs of 2.9 and 3.7 variants is Rs 17,000 and Rs 20,000 respectively. Talking about the new colors, this scooter is available in Hyper Sand and Stealth Blue colors.