Blind Spot Mirrors : Nowadays, cars are coming in really great! The design is great and the safety features are also amazing! Companies are paying a lot of attention to safety in their new cars. Some cars even have 6 airbags! And nowadays a new feature is also in the news – blind spot feature! But what is this blind spot feature and how does it protect you from accidents? Come, let us tell you today!
Danger of blind spot!
Let us tell you, most accidents happen because of blind spot! Why? Because the blind spot is not visible properly in the side mirror of the car, and even if it is visible, people ignore it! That is why whenever you drive and a car is coming from behind, keep a distance of at least 2 meters from it. This will always keep you and the people sitting in your car safe.
What is a blind spot?
In simple language, blind spot is that area of the car which is not directly visible to the driver. That is why the driver has to keep an eye on all sides while driving. In front, behind, on the sides – everywhere! Only then will you be able to keep your vehicle safe and give way to others.
How to avoid blind spots?
To avoid blind spots, blind spot mirrors are available in the market these days! These are small mirrors, which are cheap and easily available. You can stick them on the side mirror of your vehicle. They are 2 inches in size and show the view of both sides of your vehicle. By installing them, you can keep your vehicle more under control!